I Applied to be on Team:
After some debate, I figured the growth that might come from the discomfort of putting my own needs aside to serve others in a very difficult format for me was worth investigating. I paid for and attended my assistant's training, noting how mild it was and that team-members who did not feel prepared had every reason to feel that way, based on what I learned. 

Sarah Sandhill called to decline my service. She cited my Asperger's Syndrom and my letter to the facilitators as she politely concluded: "I want a team who has my back no matter what, and I don't have that solid feeling with you."

I agreed with her, assuring her that I was interested in learning and giving feedback on what I saw. 

Questions: Is HAI better off with team-members who agree not to challenge the facilitators in any way even when facilitators make mistakes? Is this self-selection process responsible for the blind-spots that are damaging HAI's future?

Concern: HAI has never asked me for help in any way in my entire relationship, over fifteen years, other than money. This is consistent with super-human shame. However, it also lacks imagination. I have offered help on several occasions and been met with apathy or resistance. Yet HAI needs a great deal of the talents I poses. Is it more important to maintain facilitator comfort-levels than it is to grow the organization? I would not mind if I saw it growing by leaps and bounds on it's own. The reality is that it has declined in vitality, team-spirit and relevance since I began in 1993, growing only moderately in the integration of technology.
Suing For Best Practices at HAI